Rev. Robert (Rob) Brown comes to us from First Presbyterian Church in LeClaire. Rob was raised in Iowa, went to college at Graceland University, attended seminary at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and spent most of his ministry in Iowa. He has worked with small congregations, many looking to learn how to work with other churches, reach out to their communities, and reflect the light of Christ brighter into the world. When he isn’t working, Rob is studying for his doctorate again at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. He also plays guitar, cooks, and travels with his spouse, Nora, whenever they get the opportunity; in April, they will go to southern Illinois to see the Total Eclipse. If you have any questions or ideas, please schedule a time after Rob starts on April 7th to meet for coffee or a snack to chat and get to know him!
Come Sunday April 7th to help us welcome him
Service 9:30 Sunday April 7th, 2024
Fellowship after service
Come Sunday April 7th to help us welcome him
Service 9:30 Sunday April 7th, 2024
Fellowship after service